Sunday, February 21, 2016

TOW #18-Political Cartoon

This political cartoon illustrates three religious figures, Muhammad, Buddha, and Jesus. They are discussing how their followers are doing terrible things in their name, and claiming that these religions support their acts. First, there is Muhammad, a Muslim religious figure. Terrorists, such as those in ISIS, claim that their violent actions are in the name of Muhammad and the support of an Islamic nation. Buddha says how upset he is about the ethnic cleansing in Burma, where Buddhists massacred and kidnapped Muslims in an effort to 'cleanse' Burma of 'impurities'. Lastly, Jesus chimes in, overwhelmed with the concept of the Crusades and the Inquisition, where Christians led wars in 'honor' of their God. This cartoon helps to bring up the issue of how violent people can be when it comes to their religion, and how many people will try to justify their actions through their religion, even when it is not supported or condoned in any way. Some people of each religion believe that their religion is the best and the only true way, and like to prove their religion's superiority, and it leads to a great lack of tolerance and peace. Most religions have peace as one of their main ideals, yet many choose to act in the opposite way, and try to excuse their violent actions by claiming that they are doing what their religion tells them to. Why can't we live in peace, and accept each other for who they are, and not excuse foul actions in the name of a religion? This is not only a global issue, but a national one as well. One example is Donald Trump's proposals on immigration. He wants to shut out all Muslims, because he claims that most are likely to be terrorists. When in fact, in groups such as ISIS, are not only made up of Muslims, but from people across the world and of varying religions, there were even ISIS members from America. Since when was Islam a religion of violence and hate? Many Muslims denounce ISIS, saying that those who kill and terrorize others are not true to the Muslim faith, and are not Muslims, even if they claim themselves so. This separation and fighting amongst religions must come to an end, and soon. Or as John Lennon put it, "Imagine...Nothing to kill or die for/ and no religion too/ Imagine all the people/ living life in peace"(John Lennon "Imagine").

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