Sunday, October 11, 2015

TOW #5-Political Cartoon: Gun Control

My TOW is a visual text on gun control versus mental health care. It illustrates the door labeled 'Mental Health Treatment", as being a locked, bolted, and very secure door. It symbolizes how hard it is to get real and helpful mental healthcare, either because of expense or finding proper care for their particular case. The safe, on the other hand, is labeled 'Guns'. This door is wide open without really any security. This shows how easy it can be to access a gun, whether its by buying one, getting one from a friend, or stealing one. The differences between these two doors show that having access to guns and weaponry is easier than getting mental health care. Most cases of shootings are said to be caused by people who had mental disabilities. The purpose of this cartoon and visual text is to say that the security on guns should be tightened, and the access to mental health care should be made much easier. It suggests that this will help solve the problem of the mass shootings America experiences.

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