Sunday, April 17, 2016
TOW #24 - Boko Haram
Boko Haram is an extremist group in Africa, with it's name translating to: "Western education is a sin". Its aim is to establish an Islamic nation and expand Sharia law across Africa. It was created fourteen years ago, and was started by Mohammed Yusuf. He was killed, and now the group is led by Abubakar Shekau. Boko Haram has bombed schools, villages, churches and mosques, committed massacres, mass kidnappings, and assassinations, and their violence and atrocities have only escalated. According to UNICEF, 1.3 million children have been displaced, thousands have been kidnapped, and more than 5,000 were separated from their families. In addition, 910 schools have been demolished, 611 teachers have been killed, and this violence and fear has caused over 19,000 teachers to flee their homes. Recently, the two year anniversary of Boko Haram kidnapping 276 girls from the Chibok Government Secondary School. Even with some attempts to save them, 219 remain missing. A video also appeared, showing a video of some of the missing Chibok girls stating that they are alive, and while this brings hope to some parents, there is still the distraught about the missing girls. The girls who were discovered or released told stories of forced marriage, sexual slavery, and being forced to work alongside the terrorists, some even as suicide bombers. Even when the girls return home, they are still faced with challenges. They return to find homes, schools, and churches destroyed, and even family members and friends dead. They also face harsh suspicion and are looked down on as possible spies and traitors. Their kidnapping sparked a 'Bring Back our Girls' movement, which begs for interference from the Nigerian government or other governments. The Chibok people have now also reached out to the EU in hopes that they will be able to help in saving the missing girls and putting a stop to Boko Haram. While the world is so fixated on ISIS, there are other groups such as Boko Haram causing great amounts of destruction, ruining lives, and terrorizing thousands. Other countries should aid in the rescue of the kidnapped children, and assist in capturing and putting down of Boko Haram.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
TOW #23 - Stephen Schwartz vs. anti LGBT laws
Stephen Schwartz is widely known for composing the music for popular musicals including Wicked, Pippen, Godspell, Working, The Magic Show, and more. However, recently, North Carolina passed the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, which prevents transgender people from using bathrooms that do not match their biological gender, and also bans any legislature in North Carolina from protecting LGBT citizens. Stephen Schwartz responded to this by banning the use and performance of any of his musicals in North Carolina until they lift these laws. He took this action in hopes that others would follow, putting pressure on North Carolina to change. In a speech, he mentioned, "First of all, I think its important to remember that this is not just me, this is a collective action by a great many theatre artists, as well as those from other fields. For instance, I saw this morning that 269 authors and illustrators of children's books are declining to attend conferences and festivals in North Carolina as long as the law is in force"(Stephen Schwartz). The debate on LGBT laws has become increasingly popular in the news and media, and has aroused anger and mixed feelings. No laws should limit transgenders or any members of the LGBT community. Also, the added insult of prohibiting any assistance or protection for them is even worse. Sexual orientation should not limit rights or protection from the government. We all deserve equal treatment under the Constitution, and people are making the right move in trying to protest against this type of discrimination. Society needs to have an open mind to others differences, and not separate each other because of them.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
TOW #22 - Political Cartoon-Donald Trump and the GOP

This political cartoon discusses the topic of the Trump campaign, and how it may severely damage the Republican party, Donald Trump is currently one of the top presidential candidates right now, and is likely the most controversial. Donald Trump has gained significant attention from US citizens, other candidates, the media, and the world. One famous comment from Donald Trump is: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best... They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people". It also took him 48 hours to denounce white supremacists that were supporting him, and didn't really acknowledge that white supremacy exists. He claims to not know anything about white supremacy or even the KKK. He has also been quoted several times for insulting women, calling them pigs, dogs, slobs, and animals. Statements like these are a lot of what makes Trump so well known, but not in a good way. Showing himself as being a racist and sexist person hurts the presidential candidacy to start with, but since he is at the head of the Republican campaign, Trump hurts the Republican party significantly. Since he is leading the Republican polls, he becomes the face or the head representation of the Republican party, falsely portraying the rest of the Republican candidates as sharing all of his policies. In reality, many of the Republican candidates have denounced Donald Trump, claiming him to be ineligible to become president because of his many unfair biases. However, Donald Trumps campaign, even if it doesn't end in him becoming president, will surely damage the Republican party's reputation; damage, if not handled quickly, that may not be irreversible.
TOW #21 - Brussel's reopening airports
For my TOW, I read on the reopening of Brussels airports. Recently, Brussels airports were attacked by ISIS bombers. Two bombings occurred at Zaventem, where at least 11 people were killed immediatly. Another bombing at Maelbeek metro station resulted in the death of twenty more people. Currently, the death toll is 32, with 270 injured. Two bombers have already been identified as suicide bombers at the metro station and airport. There has also been reports of a third subject, and he has been arrested. ISIS later claimed responsibility for the attacks, and threatened that they should expect more. Belgium went under national mourning, and requested that EU members meet to discuss these attacks. Belgium has now reopened some airports, but with greater security checks. Now, only passengers with tickets and ID can be in the departure hall, and all bags will be checked before entering the building. Then, they also have to go through the other usual security checks. The airport now can only be accessed using cars, and all cars are screened. The fear of ISIS is continuing to become more widespread with each attack, and security across the globe is increasing. Something needs to be done about this threat, but it needs to be done strategically. ISIS is clever, and they are using fear to control us, and they do not care about lives being lost at the expense of their success. Addressing this issue should be done quickly, and decisions should be made with care and consideration, as fully engaging in a war with ISIS could have astronomical consequences.
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